Case Studies

Royal Australian & United States Navies

Fiomarine has successfully saved the RAN and the US Navy considerable time and money in their mine shape retrieval. The time taken for retrieval has been significantly reduced from two to three weeks to now only a few days. Find out more.

Royal Australian Navy & LSA

With Fiomarine’s Fio GMS1000, LSA was able to manufacture the Cormorant Lift Bag for the RAN at almost half the price as others on the market. The project was also delivered to the RAN on time and under budget. Find out more.

Australian Hydrographic Service

Fiomarine can proudly say that Fiobuoys have kept the Australian Hydrographic Service’s equipment and data secure and protected underwater since 2000. Find out more.

Acoustic Research Laboratory

With a Fiobuoy, Fiomarine has made it possible for ARL to develop an inexpensive, robust, self-contained and highly integrated bottom mounted data acquisition system. Find out more.

With Fiomarine’s underwater retrieval solutions, we might be able to solve your organization’s deployment issues also. Fill out an enquiry form to find out.